Secrets dhistoire - Léonard de Vinci, le génie sans frontières

Léonard de Vinci est la figure emblématique de la Renaissance. Il est tout à la fois un peintre virtuose et un ingénieur visionnaire mais aussi un architecte, un botaniste, un anatomiste, un mathématicien et bien plus encore. Mais limage de vieux savant à la barbe de prophète ne doit pas faire oublier que Léonard de Vinci a dabord été un fringuant et jeune homme au charme solaire. Animée par une quête obsessionnelle de perfection, sa vie a connu de nombreux rebondissements que Stéphane Bern se propose de raconter, depuis sa jeunesse florentine jusquà ses dernières années dans les majestueux châteaux de la Loire, en compagnie de son ami le roi François Ier.

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Les secrets de MElN KAMPF

Un documentaire historique sur le manifeste autobiographique écrit par HlTLER. Aujourdhui, il est toujours disponible dans les bibliothèques, sur Internet, dans les universités et même dans les librairies du monde entier, mais une grande partie de lhistoire est maintenant oubliée. Le documentaire plonge profondément dans le tristement célèbre plan du mal cest de sombres secrets et révèle comment ce livre a été écrit et son impact sur le monde.

Réalisateur: Frédéric Monteil

Tutankhamuns Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt

New technology reveals why Tutankhamun’s tomb remained hidden in the Valley of the Kings, Tut’s treasures take a once-in-a-lifetime journey and archaeologists open a 4,000-year-old tomb.
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About Lost Treasures of Egypt:
An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the worlds richest seam of ancient archaeology — Egypts Valley of the Kings. For a full season of excavations and with unprecedented access to the teams on the front line of archaeology, we follow these modern-day explorers as they battle searing heat and inhospitable terrain to make the discoveries of a lifetime. Using innovative technology and age-old intuition in their quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient sites, can the teams discoveries re-write ancient history?

About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the worlds premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of whats possible.

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Tutankhamuns Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt

National Geographic

Lost World of the Maya (Full Episode) | National Geographic

The Maya — their soaring pyramids, monumental cities and mythical mastery of astronomy and mathematics have captured our imaginations and spurred generations of explorers into the jungles of Central America on a quest to understand them. Lost World of the Maya surveys their dramatic rise to prominence in the pre-classic era of the Maya as well as new evidence of the collapse of their civilization in the 800-900s AD.
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About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the worlds premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of whats possible.

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Lost World of the Maya (Full Episode) | National Geographic

National Geographic

Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy

Поток 2 полных сезонов Древних Цивилизаций бесплатно на только на Гайе.
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Никола Тесла (10 июля 1856 года — 7 января 1943 года) был сербско-американским изобретателем, инженером-электриком, инженером-механиком и футуристом, который наиболее известен своим вкладом в проектирование современной системы электроснабжения переменного тока. Тесла имеет более 300 патентов и отвечает за изобретение лазера, рентгеновского оборудования, радио, катушки Тесла, турбины Тесла, неоновых вывесок, асинхронного двигателя, дистанционного управления и многих других. Тесла был блестящим умом, но не сосредоточил свою энергию на монетизации своих изобретений и столкнулся с трудностями при общении. Он умер один в маленькой гостинице в Нью-Йорке.
Великая пирамида в Гизе (также известная как пирамида Хуфу или пирамида Хеопса) является самой старой и самой большой из трех пирамид в комплексе пирамид Гизы, граничащем с современной Эль-Гизой, Египет. Это самое старое из Семи Чудес Древнего Мира и единственное, которое осталось в значительной степени нетронутым Исправление: В видео я рисую линию, указывающую на среднюю пирамиду как Великую пирамиду. Великая пирамида на самом деле является самой северной пирамидой из трех.

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Музыка: Марс Стеллардроне

Naked Science - Pyramids

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Every Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare…

For over four and a half thousand years the pyramids of Egypt have stood as wonders of the world. The facts are astonishing, the Great Pyramid alone weighs almost six million tons and contains over 2.3 million stone blocks. Naked Science sets out to uncover four great mysteries that still surround the pyramids, how were they built, who built them, why were they built, and what secrets may still lie hidden within their stones. As four millennia and countless generations stand between us and the men who built the pyramids we have to study the buildings themselves to uncover the answers.

With British engineer Denys Stocks we learn the art of pyramid building. Stocks has spent twenty years mastering the techniques used by the ancient workmen and shows how such vast quantities of stone were quarried, transported and fitted by a civilisation that had not even invented the wheel. To show the scale of the achievement we asked construction manager and pyramid scholar Craig Smith to calculate what it would take to build a pyramid in today’s money.

We may know the names of the pharaohs who commissioned the pyramids but who actually hauled the blocks. Legends have always held that slaves built the pyramids but we venture into the science of Forensic Egyptology to discover the truth. Mark Lehner discovered the town of the pyramid builders while Zahi Hawass takes us on a tour of their tombs.

There may be few records of how the pyramids were built but hieroglyphic texts within some pyramids hint at their reveal purpose. Salima Ikram and Jim Allen help us find for the reason why the pyramids were built within these spells and incantations. However Robert Bauval, believes there may be deep connections between the pyramids and astronomy. He believes links to the stars are hidden within their stones and chambers.

Finally we follow work in pyramid exploration as teams hunt for hidden chambers and use robots to explore the mysterious shafts at the centre of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Deadliest Journeys - Kazakhstan: Danger in the Steppe

In Kazakhstan, the inhabitants have adapted to withstand all of natures challenges. This film takes us into the centre of a snowstorm where thousands of travellers find themselves caught in an enormous traffic jam. We meet farmers who rely on hostile land. The Aral Sea, now completely dried out, has given place to a desert made up of sand, salt, and dust thats toxic to the inhabitants.

Director: Philippe Lafaix

Deadliest Roads | Nepal | Free Documentary

Worlds Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Nepal in 2008

Far from any tourist hubs; the inhabitants of the Gorkha region fight against the perils of monsoon season. Trucks and mule caravans strive tirelessly to provide for the cut-off villages. The monsoon forms mud ditches which trap vehicles and dont release them without a fight. The Shaman witch doctors are always on hand to chase away bad spirits and watch over the meager population of Nepal.
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