In the dusts of Iraq, the ruins of the worlds first civilization lie buried.
This episode, we travel into the extremely distant past to look at the Sumerians. These ancient people invented writing and mathematics, and built some of the largest cities that the world had ever seen. Find out about the mystery of their origins, and learn how they rose from humble beginnings to form the foundation of all our modern societies. With myths, proverbs and even some recreated Sumerian music, travel back to where it all began, and find out how humanitys first civilization fell.
Seit einigen Jahrzehnten häufen sich die Klimakatastrophen auf unserem Planeten. Besonders stark haben die Flutkatastrophen in großen Städten zugenommen – der Meeresspiegel steigt, während die Städte absinken. Viele Städte, darunter New York, sind unzureichend geschützt. Weltweit machen Forscher, Ingenieure, Ökonomen und Stadtplaner gegen diese globale Bedrohung mobil.
Seit dem Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts häufen sich die Klimakatastrophen auf unserem Planeten. Besonders stark haben in den vergangenen Jahren die Flutkatastrophen in den großen Küstenmetropolen zugenommen. Erst vor kurzem zeigte sich am Beispiel von New York, Bangkok und New Orleans, wie schutzlos die 130 Megacitys dieser Welt den Launen des Meeres ausgesetzt sind. Hinzu kommt, dass der Boden unter den Megalopolen zunehmend nachgibt. Städte an Flussmündungen sacken regelrecht in sich zusammen.
Schuld daran ist der Mensch: Gründe sind exzessives Abpumpen des Grundwassers, Staudämme, rasant wachsende Megalopolen und sogenannte Bodenverflüssigung, wovon besonders Tokio bedroht ist.
Während die Städte absinken, steigt der Meeresspiegel weiter an. Diese zwei Phänomene hängen zwar nicht zusammen, verschlimmern jedoch beide die Überschwemmungen in den Küstenstädten. Wenn die politisch Verantwortlichen nicht schnell reagieren, könnte die nächste Sturmflut viele Todesopfer nach sich ziehen. Manche Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass der Mensch diese Städte eines Tages verlassen muss. Bis dahin gilt es, sich effizient vor dem Meer und vor allem vor Sturmfluten zu schützen.
Heute entstehen weltweit Initiativen, um große Überschwemmungen besser zu managen und die Schäden zu begrenzen. Abgesehen von den menschlichen und materiellen Verlusten verursachen Überschwemmungen gewaltige Kosten für die Weltwirtschaft und stellen für die betroffenen Staaten ein Fass ohne Boden dar. Denn diese müssen nicht nur die Schäden reparieren, sondern auch die internationalen Handelsverluste auffangen.
Dokumentarfilm von Marie Mandy (F 2015, 93 Min)
Abonniert den Youtube-Kanal von ARTE:
El 2 de marzo de 2020, el Vaticano abrió los archivos secretos del papa Pío XII. Por primera vez, los historiadores pueden investigar a la figura que lideró la Iglesia Católica durante el nazismo. ¿Qué sabía el papa sobre el Holocausto?
Pío XII es uno de los protagonistas más controvertidos de la historia reciente de la Iglesia. Con nuevas grabaciones y material de archivo parcialmente inédito, este documental arroja luz sobre la trayectoria y la política de Eugenio Pacelli, el nombre secular del papa. En calidad de nuncio apostólico en Alemania y cardenal secretario de Estado del Vaticano, Eugenio Pacelli presenció el ascenso de Hitler al poder. Su pontificado comenzó en 1939. Poco después, empezaron el exterminio de los judíos y la deportación de las minorías y los opositores del Tercer Reich. Hasta el día de hoy, aún no se ha aclarado a ciencia cierta qué papel desempeñó Pío XII en esa época. ¿Era realmente, como se solía afirmar, un líder dubitativo que eludió su responsabilidad, sobre todo ante los judíos perseguidos?
Pocos días después de la apertura de los archivos, el historiador eclesiástico Hubert Wolf descubrió un documento que describe la destrucción del gueto de Varsovia. El papa Pío XII leyó el documento el 27 de septiembre de 1942, pero no se hicieron públicos su contenido ni las notas marginales de la secretaría de Estado. En cambio, el Vaticano sostuvo durante décadas que no se estaba ocultando nada a la opinión pública y que las fuentes estaban completas.
Pío XII seguramente salvó en silencio la vida de muchos judíos. Miles se escondieron en establecimientos de la Iglesia. La Curia Romana los ayudó a escapar al extranjero a través de intermediarios. Pero ahora se cuestiona la credibilidad de la Curia Romana durante el Holocausto y vuelven a surgir muchos interrogantes. Por ejemplo, ¿por qué el 17 de diciembre de 1942 Pío XII no se unió a las protestas del Reino Unido, Rusia y los Estados Unidos contra el exterminio de los judíos?
DW Documental le brinda información más allá de los titulares. Maravíllese con los mejores documentales de canales alemanes y empresas productoras internacionales. Conozca personas enigmáticas, viaje a territorios lejanos y entienda las complejidades de la vida moderna, siempre cerca de eventos globales y asuntos de actualidad. Suscríbase a DW Documental y descubra cada lunes, miércoles y viernes el mundo que le rodea.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a vast, mineral rich country the size of Western Europe.
Alastair Leithead takes an epic journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the far reaches of the Congo river to explore how history has shaped the Congo of today and uncover the lesser told stories of this beautiful, if troubled country.
In the largest rainforest outside of the Amazon he comes face to face with its gorillas and hunts with pygmies, he travels into the heart of the Ebola outbreak with United Nations peacekeepers, and explores the cobalt mines which will drive our electric cars of the future.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: What would you risk for freedom? Dateline journeys through one of the world’s most dangerous jungles, a route populated by drug traffickers, bandits and migrants searching for a new beginning.
Dateline reporters scour the globe to bring you a world of daring stories. Our reputation is for fearless and provocative reporting. Australias beloved, award winning and longest running international current affairs program.
Hidden deep in the mangrove swamps of the Niger Delta lie hundreds of illegal refineries, “cooking spots”. It’s the stronghold of hostage takers and armed groups. For some ten years these men have been spreading terror in the region. Few cameras have been able to penetrate the closed worlds of these oil thieves. For one month?with the assistance of one of their number?we managed to film the everyday existence of the traffickers. On the one side, Nigeria. An extremely unstable region with economic and political stakes on a global scale. It’s the biggest oil producer in Africa and one of the ten biggest producers in the world. 95% of its revenues derive from this “black gold” On the other side, Western countries, major consumers of fuel, for whom oil is indispensible. Between the two, the inhabitants of the Niger Delta, cast aside from this manna and the enormous profits generated by the “black gold”. Driven by a sense of dispossession, they engage in increasing armed action to deviate a part of the oil production. Nicknamed “Bonny Light”, it’s one of the purest crude oils in the world. It is so pure, they say, that you could run an engine with it without any refining… exactly as it is extracted. However, the robbers of the Delta still have to refine it. They put the “crude” into drums that have been cut in half, heat it and sprinkle it with chemical products. It’s a dangerous operation. It can explode at any moment. So that their clothing doesn’t catch fire and turn them into human torches, the traffickers work naked, in a choking atmosphere, without the slightest protection. They have no other choice. To survive, they must take risks. Once refined, the fuel is put into buckets before being transferred into cans. It is then refined by traditional methods and distributed on the parallel markets of neighbouring countries. This “black gold” road passes via Cameroon, Benin, Togo and Ghana. However, in the Delta, oil is above all a plague. The water is filthy. The earth, fields and forests are polluted. Here, oil is a curse. All the villagers live below the poverty line. In the village of Okrika there is no drinking water or electricity. So, in order to survive, most of the farmers have a strange occupation. They fish for sand. Such is the case of Daniel, 55, who in order to feed his family tirelessly scours the beds of rivers for sand. It’s an unthinkable job, harsh and exhausting, for this new Nigerian slave. Every day, and sometimes at night too, and totally naked, he dives to depths of 5 metres to fill his buckets with sand. When his boat is full, he has to deliver it far away, at the mouth of the river. Once his boat has been unloaded, he must start his labours all over again. Once the oil has been stolen and refined, it has to be delivered. Neighbouring Benin is a major consumer. In the south of the country, along the border, oil trafficking is a real industry that supplies 70% of national consumption. Every day, 25 year-old Antoine risks his life to transport stolen oil on his motorbike. A real “bomb on wheels”, he carries more than 700 litres of oil on each trip, with the sole protection of the Voodoo gods! — Follow us on social media:
In Senegal, every year during the rainy season, entire regions are covered in water- cities included, provoking an exodus towards Casamance. The journey passes through Gambia, a small isolated country, through which a river under the same name flows. This river serves as a barrier in the middle of Senegal, where the exploitation of travellers is the locals’ main source of income. In this new Dicing with Death, we follow the struggle of seasoned exiles along roads that have now become sludge tracks as a result of the rain. We follow the lives of women in the paddy fields and their back-breaking work, as well as climbing aboard wooden dugouts with fishermen who brave the perilous oceans for a poverty wage. Staying afloat for many in these regions is a daily struggle.
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◓МН в ВК►
Железное небо — фильм фантастика (2012)
Год производства
Финляндия, Германия, Австралия
фантастика, боевик, комедия
Тимо Вуоренсола
Ярмо Пускала, Майкл Калеснико, Тимо Вуоренсола
70 лет назад недобитые нацисты улетели на Луну. Теперь, когда их гигантский флот возмездия почти достроен, они решили устроить Земле новый блицкриг. Тем временем президент США готова на всё, чтобы пойти на второй срок — даже развязать в космосе войну за природные ресурсы; а тщеславный офицер Четвертого рейха Клаус задумал предать фюрера и заполучить власть над Землёй. Боевые цеппелины уже вышли на орбиту, земные города под прицелом. Похоже, мира хотят только двое: наивная учительница с Луны Ренате и бывший астронавт Джеймс Вашингтон.
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